Sunday, July 09, 2006

Virtual Ebook Fair


I thought there might be some people who would enjoy taking a look at the following website.

Free ebook downloads from a HUGE (300,000+ volumes) collection until August 4. The browsing collections are well organized.

Dale Savage

From Kim Komando's Cool Site of the day:


Virtual book fair

These days, everything is going digital. So it should be no surprise that many books are available in electronic form.

The first was the Declaration of Independence, placed online by Michael Hart. He went on to establish Project Gutenberg. The Project's goal is to create a free worldwide library.

To mark Project Gutenberg's 35th anniversary, World eBook Fair is offering free access. You can download from the collections until Aug. 4. Thereafter, memberships are available for $8.95 annually.

There are more than 300,000 e-books available through the site. And they are yours to keep – forever!


World Ebook Fair


Blogger willemina said...

Hi Dale
Just wanted to thank you for posting the virtual e-book fair. It's fantastic! And even a bargain at $8.95 per year.
I heard that Tucson had some flooding yesterday...hope all is okay in your world?
We sure could use some rain here in's very hot and dry right now.

2:52 PM, July 09, 2006

Blogger Dale Savage said...

Hi there Willy,

I'm glad you like their site. It DOES seem very cool, and of course, they are adding volumes all the time.

There are some books in the last few years that I've wanted to read that I could ONLY find online. And I almost always download things like Shakespeare plays and the like if I am going to a performance.

I had to drive home about half an hour after the downpour started. A one hour drive turned into 2! LOL

I hope your Sunday's a good one!

Dale in Tucson

3:14 PM, July 09, 2006

Blogger beachgirl said...


6:15 PM, July 09, 2006

Blogger Dale Savage said...

Thanks, Carol,

When you start flying, you'll have to pay a visit to Tucson!

Dale in Tucson

8:34 PM, July 15, 2006

Blogger heiresschild said...

go dale, go dale, go dale!!! i saw your post on francesca's site, and went to your webpage. i'm leaving my comments here instead of the legacy page. very good. you're on your way to an "A", i'm sure.


6:16 PM, July 24, 2006

Blogger Dale Savage said...

Thanks, Sylvia,

They are running my little legs off. LOL

Am in the library working now!

Dale in Tucson

9:04 PM, July 24, 2006

Blogger heiresschild said...

hi dale...i hope things are going well for you. hopefully, they haven't run your legs completely off. ha ha ha

so, after this week of intensive studies, what's next on your school agenda?

my word verification is hodut. i think they meant donut. lol

8:52 PM, July 26, 2006

Blogger Dale Savage said...

Hi there Sylvia,

On Saturday, we have the final exam. Then a week from Friday, we have a research paper and a webpage due. I've nearly finalized the required part of the webpage already. I just have to add one more file to it.

Then the fall semester starts August 21. I'm signed up for a full load and am planning to work too.

Hope your ankle's doing better all the time.


9:05 PM, July 26, 2006

Blogger heiresschild said...

hi dale,

you'll be pretty busy, but i'll be joining that schedule when i start back to school in sept. in the meantime, i'm finishing up camp and then i'll be off to california for 3 weeks. i'm looking forward to visiting with my almost 1-year old grandbaby who i haven't seen
since she was about 3 weeks old.

you seem to be doing well with the assignments. all it takes is discipline and focus.

foot's doing good. i didn't play any kickball with the kids, so it's still getting plenty of rest.


5:45 PM, July 27, 2006

Blogger droma said...

I wish you much success with your studies.
Thanks for the Ebook Fair address.

11:56 AM, August 01, 2006

Blogger Dale Savage said...

Hi there Ellen, I'm really enjoying it all so far. It really is amazing how forward looking the program is. They really are trying to prepare information professionals for the digital age and where the information field is going over the next few years.

I hope the heat and humidity there aren't too daunting. It's actually been kind of nice here lately.


12:04 PM, August 01, 2006

Blogger heiresschild said...

hey dale, so what's cooking there in tucson? hopefully, not your books. ha ha ha a little school humor because i know how it is to be so tired that you sometimes think you're doing one thing, and it turns out to be another.

how did you do on your exams friday? i know you did exceptionally well because you're, well you're dale. ha ha ha as you can tell, i got jokes today.

have a great day today, and rest a little, relax a little, and enjoy a lot.

my word is ukbwzcf. hmmmm...sounds czechoslovakian.

take care,

10:32 AM, August 05, 2006

Blogger Dale Savage said...

Hi there Sylvia,

Haven't seen the grades yet. I think they will post those next week sometime.

I was going to write my paper last night, but totally flaked out. Working and a wedding tonight. So I guess I will be writing Sunday afternoon.


12:26 PM, August 05, 2006

Blogger heiresschild said...

congrats again dale on your excellent grade. we all knew you could do it! have a great weekend.


8:55 AM, August 11, 2006

Blogger heiresschild said...

thanks for your comments on my blog dale. i was actually up just finishing up laundry last nite when you wrote. i did have a good nite's sleep, am all packed, getting ready to shower and do my hair, then off to the airport i go. i'll sleep good on the flight. will blog when i can. have a great weekend.


9:20 AM, August 12, 2006

Blogger beachgirl said...

Hi Dale,
Your life sure looks like it is changing. My attitude is : What's my next adventure? The kids are now grown. My daughter has lived with me for a year already. And restarted school. So far she really likes it. She was voted class President already. And she loves disecting the old lady. (yuck)
It is so sad when they all leave for school. But that just means we did our job well.
I love my job at the airport. Customer service is varied enough to keep me interested and a very physical type job. I even walked in my first airplanes today. Way cool. My flight benefits kick in next week. First stop is Maine for a lobster lunch. Then a quick trip to see my Grams. I am moving on the 1st of Sept. to a much bigger place. Thats if I can get past the condo association. The are crazy control freaks down here.
I will make a Tuscan run in a few months. Lots to do before then.
Have an awesome evening. And Congratulations on all your positive happenings.

9:22 PM, August 20, 2006

Blogger Dale Savage said...

Hi there, Carol,

Your new job sounds really great. I'll look forward to seeing you when you get out this way!

In the meantime, it sounds like you will have some great flights--especially seeing your Grams.

Good luck on the move too. I know that can be a pain in the neck.

Take care,

11:17 PM, August 20, 2006


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Life is so filled with a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings! -- Robert Louis Stevenson